Blog Post 27 Nov 2022 by Cliff L'Aimable - at Building Control Surveyors Corporate Approved Inspectors
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Saving Energy is now a major household priority
Although all this may seem obvious, it still needs to be said !

You can waste money in a lot of different ways, without ever realising it. Here are a few instances:
1. Thermostat management (heating controls)
You may reduce your expenses by simply managing your room thermostats. Turning it down 1 degree can save around 13% of your heating bill annually if done at the same time as reducing your heating on off times. You can save £85-£110 a year by decreasing your central heating by just one degree. Check your wall thermostats and the thermostatic radiator valves - and adjust them by lowering them at least one degree.
Only heat your home when essential, consider using timers or a smart device to control your heating remotely. You'll typically save about £65-£75 a year

Another thing to keep in mind is that even a slight change in room temperature will have an impact on helping to reduce costs.
2. Drapes, curtains and blinds.
As the daylight fades on chilly fall or winter days, close your drapes or blinds to trap the heat inside for the night.
However, if you can open the windows occasionally for a brief period of time to let air flow in your home throughout the day when it's warmer, you will assist prevent the accumulation of wet.
3. Avoid draughts.
Your heated energy might be lost through improperly sealed doors and windows. Additionally, they make it much more difficult to first warm your home. To lessen draughts and keep the heat inside, try wrapping draught excluder tape across your doors and windows.

4. Turn off lights
Although it should be very obvious, everyone seems to overlook this one. Your electricity bill will be less expensive if you remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room.
5. Employ energy-saving lighting
Your energy cost will be impacted by the type of bulbs you use in addition to remembering to switch off the lights. Although they might cost a bit more up front, energy-saving light bulbs are significantly less expensive to operate over their whole lifespan than standard lights. If you currently use ordinary light bulbs, replace them with energy-saving bulbs like LEDs as they burn out because they are significantly more

6. Switch Off Electrical Equipment
It's crucial to avoid leaving electrical gadgets or appliances in standby mode or charging for longer than necessary. They can consume a tiny amount of electricity even when left on standby, which will increase your cost.
Click this link from Citizens Advice to find out how much it costs to run your electrical appliances.
7. Wash only full loads
Although they consume a lot of energy, washing machines and dishwashers are essential for the majority of us. In light of this, you ought to attempt to get the most out of each wash. Make careful to fill the dishwasher and washing machine to the brim (within the recommended load capacity). Additionally, it will lessen the amount of loads you need to carry. Additionally, if at all possible, wash your clothes on the economy setting or at a lower temperature.
8. Do not use tumble dryers
Large quantities of electricity are used by tumble dryers. In fact, operating it only one hour each day might cost as much as £184 per year.
It is far more energy-efficient to air dry your clothing outside or with airers. Make sure to keep a window open to let fresh air in and to help your garments dry more quickly.
9. Resolve Leaky Taps
Even your energy bills don't like a leaky faucet!
If your hot water faucet leaks, you could be squandering both water and the energy used to heat it. Your water and electricity expenses will consequently go up unnecessarily as a result of this.
This may be fixed for a pretty low cost, which can help you save money.
By making just a few of these straightforward adjustments, you should be able to use less gas and electricity, which will lower your expenses. These suggestions could be especially useful in the wake of the April energy price cap rise. These energy consumption cuts are beneficial to the environment as well.
Increasing home insulation
You need to make sure you maintain the heat inside your house when it comes to heating.
Energy and your money may be being wasted if your home is poorly insulated.
According to Energy Savings Trust, 25% of heat loss from uninsulated homes occurs through the loft, and 40% occurs through the windows, doors, and flooring (Simple Energy Advice).
Therefore, making an investment in your home's insulation can be a good choice if you're looking for a long-term way to reduce your energy costs.
And of course insulate yourself !!! wear thicker socks, thermal underwear, and jumpers
Check with your local authority – There may be grants available to help subsidise insulation installations on your home.
The Mayor of London’s Warmer Homes programme provides free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately.